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17 Aug 2023 07:35
August 3rd leadership notes 
enfeedia RSS feed publisherSBRWWC Leadership Meeting August 3, 2023

Voting Board: Russ Hardy (X ); Dave Stark (X ); Mike Stroben (X ); Neal Drell (X ); Charlie Anderson ( )
Advisors: Dan Carter ( ); Ed Cheszek ( ); John Gordon (X ); Scott Saxon ( ); Ladd Lindsay (X )

Meeting called to order @ __4:00 PM_____________

Meeting Minutes

Treasurer- Mike Stroben- The club has $6,600 in the checking account and $15,700 in the reserve. We have 152 annual members.

Monitor Coordinator- Charlie Anderson- Charlie is on vacation, so no report.

President- Russ Hardy-
1. All memberships are now $75 for 12 months. Those who paid $100 in 2023 will get 12 months.
2. Russ will find an election coordinator. We have 2 board member terms expiring at the end of the year.
3. We agreed to add some language to the by-laws stating that officers of the club should be full-time residents. We’re also adding “for the same office” to the term limit sentence.
4. Replacing the batteries in the safe and front door will be added to the new preventative maintenance schedule.
5. Ranch House has asked us for help with installing their ROKU devices. They also want another chef sign for the competition, and some beer flight trays. Dave will negotiate with Kelly.
6. Leadership Meetings for September and October have been rescheduled to Wednesday Sep 13 and Wednesday Oct 11, but the annual meeting stays Nov 2nd at 4:30 PM with the board meeting right before at 3:00 PM

Vice President- Dave Stark-
1. 2024 HOA Budget Request- We’re asking for 3 new electrical circuits and some Festool equipment. The total is $6,935. The club will pay half of the costs, or $3,468.
2. Dave mentioned the topics for his next newsletter.
3. The club doesn’t want the donated items, except possibly the lathe duplicating tool. Scott will decide if we keep that.
4. Dave has reserved the extra display window for January.

Training Coordinator- Scott Saxon- Scott was absent, but discussion included a new epoxy river table class to be offered by Karen Draper in October or November. We’ll also be offering hands-on demonstrations to teach monitors and members how to properly change and tension blades on the Hawk scroll saw. With Russ’ right shoulder surgery, Dave and Leslie will help with these demos.

CNC & Shop Manager- John Gordon-
1. John and his team of CNC mentors have documented the sign-off process for the CNC students. It will be distributed shortly.
2. The CNC mentors are also forming a CNC group to share knowledge and techniques.

Maintenance- Dan & Dave- They’re forming a preventative maintenance plan and team to implement it.

Technology- Ladd Lindsay- Ladd and his team gave a live demo of the new software Club Express. Features demonstrated in the meeting were member check-in at the desk, the calendar, signing up for classes, online membership renewals, new members, member rosters, and monitor sign ups. Ladd will offer another demo in the September meeting.

1. Bessey Clamp Accessories (raised by Scott in an email) We agreed to start with John buying the corner accessories, and that Dave will provide a link to the parts.
2. Procedures/By-Laws updates- An extensive update is required mostly because some of our procedures are changing and being simplified by switching to the new Club Express software. Russ, as a member of the website team will lead the updates because the team is already familiar with the changes. Ed Valdez, also a member will proof for Russ, and then the leadership will get involved in the final review.

The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.