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18 May 2023 08:48
Board Meeting Minutes May 2023 
enfeedia RSS feed publisherThe SBRWWC board of directors met on May 4, 2023 at 4 pm. Board members Russ Hardy, President; Mike Stroben, Treasurer; and Charlie Anderson, Monitor Coordinator were present. Advisors to the board Dan Carter, Maintenance Coordinator; John Gordon, Shop Manager and CNC Lead, Scott Saxon Training & Lathe Coordinator, Ladd Lindsey, IT coordinator, Ed Valdez, Assistant IT Coordinator were present. Ed Cheszek, was absent

Treasurer Mike Stroben – the club earned about $540 at the art walk. As of May 1st
, we have 142 paid members

Monitor Coordinator Charlie Anderson – the shop will remain open on Monday evenings from 4-8 PM. The monitor can close at 7 PM if no one else is in the shop. On Monitor Days, the first TWO in and the last TWO out will take responsibility and assume the duties of monitor and perform opening and closing tasks. Instructors are also responsible for performing closing tasks.

Training Coordinator Scott Saxon. – We are always looking for help as Trainers for both the Equipment Orientation classes and specialty equipment classes. Until the club moves away from using Groupworks, we’ll stop using the wait list feature for all classes since it causes problems. We are all volunteers and your help is greatly appreciated.

President Russ Hardy – The Art walk went well for the club. The expanded traffic pattern worked. Thank you everyone who participated and helped in the set up and tare down. Jeff and Charlie completed the mantel project earning the club $600 for their efforts. Some of our advisors have changed recently… Tom has stepped down from Technology and CNC. Ladd and John Gordon have stepped into those 2 roles respectively. Russ has agreed the club will donate some simple wood blocks to the Pinal County Parks to help develop motor skills for young children. The wood should be donated on May 15th. Ranch House has inquired about having the club build a bar top and sign for their chef event again this fall. Russ will get details.

Vice President Dave Stark – The HOA has announced their annual budget process for next year. We are looking for suggestions on opportunities to expand our shop capabilities via new and innovative tools and equipment. Please respond to Dave Stark by June 15 with your suggestions for equipment purchases. Dave installed the first of 2 air hose reels. He will buy and install the second reel. Our first quarter Financial Audit went well with no issues found. HOA maintenance has agreed to rebuild the old Compressor by the end of summer. The first member communication email will go out shortly to all annual and occasional members.

Shop Manager and CNC Lead John Gordon – Moving forward the CNC Training Class will be offered on a quarterly basis. The CNC machine reservations will be limited to 3 hours during open shop time and 4 hours during Monitor time. Please note that 1/8th and ¼ inch Ball Nose Bits and a 1 1/8 bowl bit have been ordered.

Maintenance Coordinator Dan Carter – Regarding the new Chop Saw, we will be adding a new saw dust exhaust hose as well as a laser guide shortly. Dan will Fine tune the saw in the very near future. Dan will offer a new class on milling which will include using the hand-held power planer.

Lathe Coordinator Scott Saxon – The Lathe Certification process has been updated. A written copy can be obtained from the on duty Monitor, in the Lathe Waiver Folder at the front desk.

IT Coordinator Ladd Lindsey and Russ Hardy presented the findings of the website team and recommended the club begin a phased approach to implementing new software called Club Express. The board agreed. This software is planned to replace Groupworks and our current website and integrates with our current accounting software Quickbooks. The plan is for the club to be on Club Express by November 1st.

New business was discussed: The club received 2 requests from members to provide epoxy molds that could be checked out for home use, finer sand paper grits for sanding epoxy projects, and a polishing machine also for home use. The board is generally opposed to allowing members to take tools home so the board voted no to the molds and polisher. The board voted yes to begin providing 600 and 800 grits sand paper for dry sanding using the Festool sander only (for better dust collection of the finer particles). Please follow this rule.