15 Jun 2017 11:48 SME62 55th REUNION - REGISTER HERE
Greetings Shawnee-Mission East Class of 1962 - from your Reunion Committee ("FOG")!
Here you will find all the information you need to learn about the 55th Reunion scheduled for Oct 6 & 7, 2017. (Revised 6-13-2017)
Click on this Google Drive "Folder" - It contains the Schedule and Registration information for you to print, fill out and mail - along with your check.
(It can also be found on the 55th Reunion page of our class website and on the "SME 62 Class Reunion" Facebook page (see below), and in an email sent to your email address 6/15/2017 from sme62classreunion@gmail.com - - In other words, it's everywhere!)
Come join your many, many classmates & guests at this weekend event. We should have plenty of casual time to meet, mingle, and catch up on each others' news.
If you know of a classmate who does not receive these emails, please direct them to our class website, www.sme62.org , and to our class Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/349242808443545/ .
If you know of a deceased classmate, please send information to sme62classreunion@gmail.com and we will update the website.
Thanks & See You Soon
07 Aug 2016 11:14 SME62 - 55th Reunion News - Yes! It's coming! - Important CORRECTIONS - Please Read
Hello to all SME62 Lancers! { corrections included }
Get excited! We are looking forward to a great 55th Reunion, Oct 6-7, 2017. More than a reunion, it will be a fun Kansas City vacation adventure, even for the locals. In fact, we're so excited we wish we could just go ahead and have the reunion now. Future updates will also come through this feed alert from our website. Please remain registered in order to receive them. {Note that this item is being re-posted 8-7-2016 to force email alert so that everyone can see the corrections made on 8-4-2016. Those corrections were for the URL links. Sorry for any inconvenience. Also, to receive future email alerts, please add busybee@blogtrottr.com to your Contacts list.}
We will meet and greet and have a "deli" supper and cash bar Friday, October 6th, 2017 at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center. Saturday night, October 7th, we have contracted the entire Milano restaurant for a wonderful Italian dinner buffet/cash bar in the Crown Center Shops, just a block from the Sheraton. All for just $140 each! During the day Saturday, you can visit with old friends, and explore the area. Use the free KC Streetcar line ( kcstreetcar.org/about-streetcar ), or the hop-on, hop-off KC DoubleDecker Tour Bus ( www.kcdoubledeckertours.com ), to rediscover KC Downtown, City Market, Union Station, Crossroads, etc! And access tourism site, www.visitkc.com , to be up to date on all things and places "Kansas City".
*********** But, the main reason we are contacting you NOW is to ask you to make hotel reservations. Oct 6-7, 2017 is shaping up to be a very busy KC weekend -- Sheraton already filling up. We have contracted for a block of 30 rooms at the Sheraton at a very good discount - $159+applicable taxes, 1-2 people, KS bed or 2 double. Reservations need to be made for these rooms before we can add more to the block. Your credit card will hold the room but will not be charged until you check in. Please reserve your rooms now, at no risk. To do that, copy/paste this link into your web browser: www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/ShawneeMissionEastClassRoomBlock .
Or, if you prefer talking to a human (to use Starwood guest points, other discounts, or if using iPad or iPhone), use this phone number (816-841-1000), and specify reservations for the "Shawnee Mission East Class of 62 Room Block". Note that you can also use the group block to reserve for up to 3 additional nights before and after the reunion dates, at the same much reduced rate! Cancellations are allowed, without penalty, up to 24 hours before first check-in date. **********
Questions? Please do NOT reply to this email alert. But DO contact classmate JACK MATCHETTE. Jack is at your service! Email Jack@ezspirits.com or call 913-961-2047.
Please also keep your email address and other contact information current through our class website, www.sme62.org/ , for future reunion alerts, and other website updates. (And also keep current email to sme62classreunion@gmail.com.) Spread the reunion word to fellow SME62 classmates who may not be signed up yet. And, chat/email anytime on the website, or on SME62 Facebook ( www.facebook.com/groups/349242808443545/ ). We don't have to wait until 2017 to "reunite" and connect via cyberspace.
Thanks everyone! We are looking forward to seeing you! If you have suggestions, please also send them to Jack to pass along to your Feet on the Ground (FOG) committee: Beth and Dave Kruse, Jack Matchette, Jill Embry, Judy Dutra, Jacky Nawroth, Nancy Potter, Ken McGee, Pete Edlund, Bobbie Batson, Jim Rawlings, Chuck Smith, Pam Gradinger, Linda McGilley, Bob Boulware.
See you in 2017!
03 Jun 2014 15:48 SME62 Class News - 70th Birthday Bash Reminder to RSVP and send $
As if we need reminding that we are 70 - or nearly so! Since we feel much younger, it is time to have a party! And it is time to add your and your guest's name to the 90+ who are coming. The party is June 28th at Sylvester Powell Community Center in Mission, KS, 3:30-6:30 pm, we'll have BBQ from Jack Stacks BBQ, desserts provided by a few classmate cooks, "our era" music provided by Jacky Mayo Nawroth's husband, Warren, and lots of fun. BYOB if you like more variety than just soft drinks. You can find the registration form and more details on the Class Events page of our www.sme62.org website.
03 Jun 2014 15:38 SME62 Class News - Blandings' Circumnavigation Complete - and - they are attending the 70th Birthday BBQ Bash on 6/28!
On May 27th, 2014 at 1120, at the entrance to Anegada, BVI, Sunflower crossed her December, 2000 track created during our shake-down cruise to the BVI. There was considerable honking of horns, popping of champagne, and appropriate hubbub created by Pete and Lyn and Tony and Shelly on their boat, SV Moby and also "DQ" and Sandy and their guests on their three story power cruiser, Sea Dragon.
Thank you, Pete and Lyn, DQ, Tony, Shelly, Dave, and Jim Pierce for making this a fun event. Pete and crew(s) had flown from Kansas City to organize a surprise rendezvous on their boat, Moby, in the North Sound of Virgin Gorda on the 25th. That turned into a two day pre-party and evening dinner party on Sea Dragon.
When my sister, Becca, and her husband, Bob, arrived on the 30th we honored Sunflower by dressing her in the courtesy flags of the countries visited during our circumavigation. Sunflower (aka Fog City) had visited most of these countries before in the 90's when she took Ken and Gina on a tour of the world from San Francisco to Florida - so she knew the way better than we did.
Our last departure from Florida was in May, 2002 when Sunflower set sail for the Panama Canal and points West. 12 years, 34,000 Nm, and 36 Countries later we will soon cross that track as well, near Great Inagua - and celebrate again! There is some dispute on board about which track-crossing constitutes a circumnavigation, but I (Dave) argue: both are adequate excuses for two celebrations! And, the BVI crossing has additional sentimental significance because it was here, in 1976, that the idea of a circumnavigation was born. We had chartered a 38' Moorings Gulf Star after sailing a 16' dinghy, so Moorings thought it prudent to put a check-out captain on board. He and his wife spent the evening entertaining us with stories about their cruise from Hong Kong to Brazil to the BVI. The next day Kathie and I decided to sail around the world when we retired. And, we did.
Many Caribbean cruisers, have congratulated us on our "accomplishment", and it does feel good to have completed the loop, but we tell them that we are only doing the same thing they are doing, except that each year we left the boat a little farther West. When we returned to Sunflower, we had a new country to explore and new people to meet. Going home every year to spend time with family and friends made it a lot "easier". It's like spending the winter in Florida, only different.
But wait, there's more! This Fall we'll share a canal boat in France with British cruising friends Barry and Mags; this Winter, we'll enjoy Sunflower in sunny Florida; the following Summer we'll explore the East Coast; and the Summer after that we'll take Sunflower through the Erie Canal to Lake Michigan. We hope you'll visit us along the way.
Cheers to all!
Dave & Kathie
SV Sunflower
Dave & Kathie Blanding - SunflowerSailors@yahoo.com
03 Jun 2014 15:32 SME62 Class News - The Blandings' Sunflower Highlights, Bequia to Antigua, 8 April
Since we left Grenada, we have visited 11 islands and anchored in 16 different places. That is way too many for a short newsletter. In fact, we were so busy sailing, anchoring, and visiting, that our newsletter written a month ago never was sent!! For the more geographically curious, here are the islands that we have visited: Carriacou, Petite Saint Vincent, Union, Tobago Cays, Bequia, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Martinique, Dominica, Guadaloupe, and Antigua.
We can't help but contrast our prior cruising grounds with the Windward and Leeward Islands. These islands are so jam-packed with boats that moorings are required to get everyone in; and if moorings aren't available, people are swinging over their neighbor's anchors. "Boat boys" are buzzing ˝ mile to sea to get your commitment to "their" mooring plus the fee to hand you the line. This seems to be the winter home for European and East coast boats; there is a very nice variety to suit everyone's taste. If you refuse to speak anything but French, you can go to Martinique or Gudadloupe. If you can't spend your money fast enough, there are many restaurants and marinas to help. Despite all this, these are some of the most beautiful islands in the world with beautiful anchorages, tropical rainforests and historical sites that are enjoyable to explore - if you can avoid being inundated by the arrival of the daily cruise ships. We just need
to adjust our attitudes to the fact that they are too conveniently located.
Also, the wind really blows here! Not just the 15 kts of the lower latitudes but 20 kts and more almost every day. The islands have not been arranged in a respectable down-wind circumnavigation sequence; one must reach from island to island. Sunflower enjoys a brisk 8 kt reach in 6-9 ft cross-seas, but that does spill your coffee.
The Tobago Cays are a special place to us, with an anchorage that appears as though you are in the middle of the ocean. It was more crowded than our first visit 20 years ago. We swam with the turtles, watched them surface for just a brief sip of air, and then return to their grass. The reef fish were very colorful, and the fresh baked banana bread delivered to our boat was delicious.
Wallilabou, St. Vincent was the location for the filming of 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean, with run-down sets still intact for fun photo-ops . They served great rum punches, and our rasta-man, Gary, provided an excellent tour of Barroualie, Kingstown and Fort Charlotte.
The Pitons in St. Lucia are one of the most spectacular anchorages in the Caribbean, and there were only 12 other boats to clutter the view! The mountainside view of the Pitons from The Ladera restaurant was equally beautiful.
Anse Mitan, Martinique is nicely European and totally French - you're never out of sight of a Baggett shop - and seldom is an English word heard. This beautiful bay is near a ferry we used to explore Fort du France. And the next two days we rented a car to explore the interior. It is green, lush, and hilly. On the second day we climbed half-way up Mount Pelee. Afterwards, we ate lunch at a small café in Morne Rouge with a breath-taking view of the fog-covered Mt. Pelee. The French take good care of their possessions here, as well as in the South Pacific, and the roads are very well maintained.
The Saintes, in Guadaloupe was another nice, civilized, French place. The young man who came to collect our fees for the mooring delivered fresh, warm, croissants.
We've taken a nice break in English Harbour, Antigua and toured the island. The harbor has been nicely refurbished and includes a good museum depicting the efforts of Admiral Nelson to stop trade with the break-away American colony. While we were here, a fleet of Oyster boats were arriving to complete their circumnavigation in a little over 1 year.
Now there are only 10 days left before we must be in the BVI - which will be the completion of our circumnavigation. We are looking forward to a celebration with our friends Chuck and Katherine and later, with my sister and her husband.
Tomorrow we will sail to Montserrat, then continue to Nevis and Saba followed by an overnight sail to Virgin Gorda in the BVI.
Love, Dave and Kathie
19 Nov 2013 09:09 CORRECTION: Judy Harber-Cunningham-Streett is alive and well in South Carolina!
From Judy:
Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting briefly with Pam Schumacher Gradinger who informed me that some misinformation regarding my existence had been disseminated at the SME Class of '62 50th Reunion (Wish I had been there!!!). Was it Mark Twain who wrote "The news of my demise has been greatly exaggerated!"? After sharing a few chuckles over the matter, Pam thought it might be wise if I set the record straight.
On a very sad note, however, after almost 44 years of marriage, Tom Cunningham died of lung cancer in April of 2006 (He was a non-smoker). Then, just recently my older sister, Jane (SME Class of "60) died of the same dreaded disease (She was a cigarette smoker).
However, in 2009 our very gracious and merciful GOD directed my path to Florence, SC where I met a grieving widower, Don Streett, quite unexpectedly. We were married 8 months later and reside in Effingham, SC. Between the 2 of us we now have 4 children, 9 grands and 2 great-grands with 2 more on the way. Of course, there are challenges and issues with family, aging and an aging parent. Don's delightful mother is 94 and doing quite well, fortunately.
Hopefully, my classmates have been equally blessed over these past 50+ years. I would love to hear from any or all via e-mail: dessr@sc.rr.com or snail-mail: P.O. Box 85 Effingham, SC 29541. Happy Holidays and Fondest Regards--Judy Harber Cunningham-Streett
23 Jun 2013 08:06 Blanding's ongoing circumnavigation saga: Ascension
Ascension is another interesting British volcanic island, 8 degrees South of the equator in the middle of the Atlantic, -- Click here to open the full report
23 Jun 2013 08:01 Blanding's ongoing circumnavigation saga: St Helena
St Helena is one of the most unique places Sunflower has visited. It is one of the most isolated places ... Click here to open the full report.
15 May 2013 07:12 Suzanne Klotz Awarded a Fulbright Scholar Grant
 Arizona artist Suzanne Klotz, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to create an art salon and run a collaborative workshop with Palestinian women and their families in Amman, Jordan the United States Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board announced recently.
During the 2013-2014 academic year, Klotz will be conducting an art salon and workshop entitled, "Seven Women's House Keys."
She will work collaboratively, in both traditional and conceptual art making practices, with seven Palestinian women and their family members who were dispossessed from their homes in Palestine and are now living in refugee camps in Amman, Jordan.
Klotz is one of 1,100 U.S. faculty and professionals to travel abroad through the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program in 2013-14.
The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Klotz plans to blog live about her experiences from her art salon in Amman.
Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected on the basis of academic or professional achievement, and demonstrated leader-ship potential in their fields. The Program operates in over 155 countries world wide. Since its establishment in 1946 under legislation introduced by the late U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, the Fulbright Program has given approximately 310,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and scientists the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.
Suzanne Klotz is a nationally recognized painter and sculptor. Klotz has received three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships. She has received an Arizona Visual Artists Project Grant, and awards from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the Puffin Foundation, the Rauschenberg Foundation and Capelli d'Angeli Foundation, Change, Inc., the New York Artists' Fellowship, and an Arizona Governor's Award. Her work is in major permanent collections across the country, including the Smithsonian American Art Museum in DC. She has exhibited in well over 300 exhibitions since 1972. Her work has shown internationally in Israel, Australia, Taiwan, West Africa, Canada as well as most major American cities. Klotz is "an Arizona treasure with an international reputation."
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program is administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, a division of the Institute of International Education.
23 Apr 2013 06:35 PART 2: Sunflower Departs South Africa
On March 6th we made an overnight sail to Cape Town, and the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront (V&A) Marina, arriving at 8am. We had to motor through two swing-bridges to enter the marina. The only problem was a very large sea lion, who would not allow JJMoon, our buddy-boat, to dock in one slip, so they went to another. These seals can be pretty nasty- growling, showing their teeth, and sometimes even charging at you. We were all very excited to be here in Cape Town, and have completed the last step of rounding the southern tip of South Africa.
The V&A marina is in the V&A waterfront area, which is the tourist epicenter of the western cape. It has a spectaclular view of Table Mountain and a huge shopping center, complete with a Ferris wheel, aquarium, boat rides, street entertainment, and so many restaurants that we have been unable to try them all, in spite of our best efforts.
And there is always boat work. Major projects included re-heading the rod rigging, replacing side stay chain plates, and installing new GPSs.
Our current cruising plan is St. Helena, Ascension, Fernando de Noronha, near Brazil (maybe), and Grenada - where we will store Sunflower on the hard until January. We should be back in the US on 18 June.
We hope to see you while we are home.
Kathie & Dave Blanding
23 Apr 2013 06:31 Kathie and Dave Blanding circumnavigation update PART 1: Sunflower Departs South Africa, 20 April 2013
Hi, Everyone,
Today we leave South Africa, ending almost 5 months in country. When the Somalia pirates seized the Quest in February, 2011 we were forced to change our course from the Mediterranean to a sail around the cape of Africa. We expected it to be an interesting alternative, but South Africa has become one of the favorite stops of our circumnavigation, and is now at the top of our list of places to revisit. Our time here has been fabulous, and we are finding it difficult to leave. But the Caribbean and home are calling and it is time to be on our way. Plus, it is feeling like October here. Below are some highlights since our last email at Christmas.
We departed Richards Bay for Cape Town on 11 Jan. 2013. The sail around the southern coast of S. Africa is usually not a pleasant one, so most sailors try to finish it as quickly as possible. With a great deal of help from the Peri-Peri Radio Net, most of us make it safely and sometimes, even fairly comfortably. We left Tuzi Gazi about 8am--seas were pretty rough and confused, but settled down overnight. We arrived in East London on the 13th. The next day, we took a trip into town to see the big sight at the Museum, the Coelacanth. It was thought to be extinct, for 65 million years, until a specimen was found near East London in 1938. Quite interesting, rather ugly, and very old!! There have been others found in Indonesia and Madagascar.
We left East London with a weather window long enough to reach Simon's Town, but it was not to be. The first night out our backstay broke. The resulting caos on the aft deck was scary, but we managed to secure everything with a minimum of damage to the boat and we diverted to Port Elizabeth for repairs. We quickly found someone to help with the repairs, and three days later, on 18 Jan. we departed for Simon's Town.
For most sailors, Cape Agulhas is the most dreaded part of the trip around Southern Africa. We were lucky to just motor around it in a light headwind. At longitude 20, we crossed into the Atlantic Ocean and drank a beer in salute!!
The next morning we arrived at the False Bay Yacht Club in Simon's Town, which is a very pretty tourist area. It is very easy to walk to restaurants and shops. The only downside is that there is no real supermarket. One must rent a car or taxi or take the train to nearby towns for supplies. Not too bad, though, as the towns are very picturesque. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Simon's Town. In fact, after a trip into the Royal Cape Yacht Club in Cape Town, we decided to cancel our reservations there and stay in Simon's Town while Jim and Flo, friends from Michigan, visited.
Our time with Jim and Flo flew by. We did an 8 day driving trip with them along the Garden Route on the Southern coast, to the Hlosi Game Lodge, just east of Port Elizabeth. We saw many animals, including cheetahs and lions. We also visited De Hoop Nature Preserve, Knysna, and on our return, we stopped in the Little Karoo. On other day-trips we had a wonderful luncheon at Le Petite Ferme in Franshhoek, and visited Cape Town--all of it great fun.
16 Apr 2013 17:13 Kathie and Dave Blanding Circumnavigation Update: Krakatoa Volcano Eruption Video!
A documentary film maker, Daniel Poulson, edited our video of the major eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano in Indonesia, on 2 September, 2012 and integrated it with an interview with Kathie and me. We think he did a great job of capturing the event and the excitement(?) aboard SV Sunflower when Krakatoa blew only 2 nmi from our anchorage.
Click here to view the video.
Our home base for the last month has been the V&A Marina in Cape Town, the epicenter of South Africa tourism and the most spectacular place Sunflower has ever berthed. More about Cape Town later.
27 Dec 2012 12:40 Kathie Blanding's Circumnavigation December 2012 Installment
 Another installment of Kathie Harrow Blanding's around the world trip is now available. Click here to view the installment.
24 Sep 2012 17:58 Ongoing SME62.ORG Website Maintenance and Enhancements
From Ken Gorman: As previously committed, I will provide ongoing support of this website indefinitely into the future, for as long as the gang finds the site has value and it gets used. Originally, the plan was that my support would be to basically maintain the integrity of the website, with a volunteer "Members Admin" supporting members' requests and a volunteer "Content Admin" posting new content. Generally there was not an expectation that significant new features would be added.
Members Admin. First, I am pleased to announce Nancy Potter has offered to be Members Admin. If you need help regarding your profile, for example, she will be there for you. You will contact her by going to the Contact Us page, entering your message, and clicking a soon-to-be-added Members Admin button. Nancy has been terrific in helping test the website and providing support for playing the "In Memoriam" movie at the reunion. Naturally I will help Nancy get started and provide help to her along the way if/when needed.
Content Admin. I believe for the website to be an ongoing success that I should continue the role of Content Admin rather than solicit the help of a volunteer. I think this will help assure consistency of information across the site.
Moreover, I expect there will be requests to add photos to the photo gallery, perhaps videos to a TBD video gallery, requests to post new events, and respond to the inevitable requests for new features (additional photos or video in one's profile?) and perhaps add pages to the site. So I am expanding support to include improvements and new features. Your suggestions for improvements will be invaluable to me. Of course, I will probably have to be selective based on the time it will take to implement new features and prioritize improvements based on the value to all of you.
Whereas the volunteer activities for the reunion have come to a close, website maintenance and enhancements will continue for years. If you feel so inclined to contribute a few bucks to support the website, it will be much appreciated. To do so, click: SME62 Website Support Fund. A PayPal window with the title "Keligo" at the top will open that provides the ability to pay by credit card without requiring you to have a PayPal account.
As a thank you to those who do elect to contribute, I will provide a password to a blog I will create that will provide tips and explanations from time to time about a range of internet topics, sort of an "Internet 101" blog. It will be geared to those who have very little, if any, background in using an online computer. You will be able to suggest topics. And I will attempt to answer questions you might have.
24 Sep 2012 16:04 Kathie Blanding's Sailing Update - Part 3
Part 3...
The ITCZ fought us for the last 5 days, but we are finally anchored in the beautiful Chagos Salomom Islands, behind Fouquet Island. Several species of birds have come out to say hello and the reefs and coconut lined beaches are beckoning but we took the afternoon off for a nap, a few glasses of wine, and then a nice fish dinner with a spectacular sunset. Tomorrow we will explore!
The ITCZ continued to fight us the last night of our arrival. After beating nicely into a 10 kt NNE wind for several hours, a small, squall again introduced a 20 knt West headwind and we went back to motoring until nearly dawn, using more of our reserve fuel for the trip to Maruitius.
10 miles from the entrance, in the dark before sunrise, we noticed a red light behind us. After 15 days without seeing any sailboats, a catamaran was arriving at exactly the same time we were. They are now the only other boat in the Salomon Islands.
As we approached the entrance the sun came out, but when we entered the lagoon another rain squall covered the atol in darkness, eliminating the color-coding of the waters that would show the reefs and coral heads (bommies). Using c-map details, calibrated by radar, we made our way very slowly to an anchorage without incident, had lunch and began to enjoy our new residence.
This is the last atol of Sunflower's circumnavigation and we expect to make the most of it.
Fair winds on your passages, wherever they may take you.
22 Sep 2012 21:27 In Memoriam movie now available for viewing on In Memoriam page
17 Sep 2012 11:02 New photos now on Photo Gallery: 1962 Talent Show
Click title about to go to the Photo Gallery page, select the September addition for new photos, a 1962 Talent Show. Does anyone know who any of these people are? If so, post it in FeedBack for this item!
13 Sep 2012 12:17 SM East Class of 1962 looking for fundraising dollars, missing classmates ahead of 50th reunion
Posted in the Prairie Village Post:
The Shawnee Mission East class of 1962 has issued a challenge to every graduating class that follows them to give back something to East. The GLAD62 Legacy Challenge (that stands for Golden Lancer Anniversary Donation) is a fundraising effort by the class to pick an area or program at SM East to focus its donation. Read the full article.
05 Sep 2012 11:35 GLAD62 Legacy Challenge details added to website
The menu in the left column has been updated, with "GLAD62 Legacy Challenge" replacing "Legacy Program." Check it out now!
03 Sep 2012 17:10 Kathie Blanding's Harrowing Experience with a Krakatoa Eruption, Part 1
From: Kathie (Harrow) Blanding
3 September 2012
[Kathie's email posted here by Ken Gorman (with liberty taken for the title)]
=== PART 1 ===
Hi Everyone,
This is why we came! We are now anchored at Pulau Rakata, just south of Anak (child of) Krakatoa Volcano. Our anchorage is beautiful and has a great view of a badly misbehaving volcano - 'Baby Krak'.
We arrived on 30 August with JJ Moon at the park headquarters on Krakatoa. That morning we listened to Baby Krak grumbling and watched him spit a little lava. Dave climbed to a terrace half way up the side of the volcano and got some good pics. On the 31th we moved to our current anchorage (6 08.56 S, 105 25.46 E) with a perfect view of Baby Krak which is two miles to the North, and waited for a night show. The first day and night were uneventful, but on the morning of 2 September he woke up and began building to a major eruption that has added a major growth spurt to the island in less than 24 hours.
The plumes of lava got higher and higher until about 3 PM when another major increase began that showed fiery lava in broad daylight, blasted twice the height of the volcano. The noise was intimidating- like a continuous Kansas thunderstorm, so we prepared for departure on a moment's notice. Foremost in our minds was the fact that this is the volcano that killed 36,000 in 1883. The SE trades were still blowing the gas and ash away from us or we would have had to leave before then.
The night show was absolutely spectacular, and the sound volume and lava kept right on increasing. By 4 AM the volcano sounded like the launch of a Saturn 5 rocket, only louder, a crackling roar that pounds on your chest. By this time the molten snow had accumulated on the east and west flanks and the lava flows had crossed the terrace I walked on two days before and reached the sea, producing huge steam clouds. This morning Baby Krak is still roaring and spewing as we prepare to head out into the Indian Ocean to Chagos, about 2000 nm and 10-12 days away.
Since you last heard from us at Nongsa Marina, Indonesia we completed the Indonesian part of our trip. The passages from Rebak to Krakatoa through the Melaka Strait in Malaysia, and the NW part of Indonesia were almost all up-wind motoring into winds of 10-20 kts. Sunflower has not done so much motoring since we have owned her; we think that she did not like it much and we certainly did not. However, Arnold, the engine, did a very fine job after his retune (by Cap'n Dave) in March and April of this year. He has really been put to the test, and we think that he lives up to his namesake. We calculate that we 'sailed' about 1000nm in about 15 days. That 'sailing' was mostly motoring, thank you, Arnold.
... continued
03 Sep 2012 17:02 Kathie Blanding's Harrowing Experience with a Krakatoa Eruption, Part 2
From: Kathie (Harrow) Blanding
=== PART 2 ===
We left Nongsa Marina with another boat, JJMoon on 19 August, making day-hops to anchorages at Mesenak and Kentar. Kentar is only 3.5 nmi North of the Equator, so the next day, as we sailed across the Equator for the 3rd time, we had a beer in celebration, and donated some to Neptune. Maybe, it was not enough as later, the seas became rougher, and winds blew harder.
To get to Belitung we planned one or two overnights, depending, as Barry on JJMoon put it, on how much we were "feeling our beans". We made the fateful decision to do a two-night passage but soon after, the wind piped up to about 17 knots against us, and the waves were sometimes as large as 3 meters. Not a bit pleasant. On the last day there was chance that we might arrive at the Belitung anchorage after dark because the wind and waves were constantly changing. Suddenly, in the afternoon of that day, the winds settled down to about 8 knots; the seas were almost calm, and the current was even helping us. Sunset was at 6:05pm; we anchored at 6pm. We were really glad to be there!!
At Belitung, Harun Cahyadi assisted us with our clearance, helped jerry-jug our fuel (340 liters), took us to the local market as well as haircuts and hardware stores. Harun was a huge help to us, spoke excellent English, and was very generous with his time and resources. We were anchored near his uncle's land, , and there was a lovely, sparkling swimming pool open for our use. On Sunday afternoon we went in for a swim and had a great barbeque with Harun and his family.
Krakatoa was calling, so on Tuesday, 27 August, we pulled up anchor and sailed away. Our course from Belitung turned to the west enough that we actually sailed a close reach on the SE trade; it was glorious. We had forgotten how wonderful and smooth it is to sail. Sunflower does a great job. Unfortunately, the wind died on the second day and we had to turn on the engine to motor through the oil rigs. We went through the narrowest part of the Sunda Strait at about 1am. Many, many LARGE boats were crisscrossing in front of us; the current was moving us very rapidly (7+ knots); and there were some very strange, mixed-up waves. It was very exciting, and we were relieved once through that area.
The next morning, we pulled into Krakatoa at about 8am. Krakatoa became an interest for us after we read Krakatoa by Simon Winchester's fascinating book with great history. The island of Krakatoa had erupted several times before 1680. On 27 August, 1883, the island completely exploded, with sound waves and tsunamis traveling around the world. According to Simon Winchester, it was the most 'devastating volcanic event in modern recorded human history' and the airborne debris lowered the planet's temperature and changed the appearance of the entire world's sky. History is lesson over.
We hope that you are all well, and enjoying life. Tomorrow, Sept. 4, we will leave for Chagos. It will be about a 10-12 day sail. We should have good wind and, hopefully, no motoring.
We will send another update from Chagos. We are entering our position reports so that you can find us on shiptrak.org. You can communicate with us via sailmail at WDA2604@sailmail.com. This address does not take attachments of any kind; you can send those to sunflowersailors@Yahoo.com. We will pick them up in October.
Love, Kathie and Dave
S/V Sunflower at Krakatoa
01 Jun 2012 14:32 Breaking News
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